Acupuncture and Dry Needling
All our Physiotherapists at Sturt Road Physio and Chandlers Physio have training in Dry Needling as a treatment approach for musculoskeletal conditions. Acupuncture and Dry Needling involves using a fine, sterile, filament needle to get specific reactions in the muscle or fascial tissue. Dry needling can be very effective in relieving pain, reducing muscle tension and improving function.
Kate, Vicky and Steph are so interested in acupuncture and its affects in clinic, they have dedicated many hours to the study of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture through the Australian Physiotherapy Association. The Japanese Meridian Approach involves the use of many needles with light tissue stimulation and an emphasis on palpation of the body tissues and meridians for diagnostic and reassessment purposes. This has enabled them to extend their scope of practice to many conditions such as chronic pain, hayfever, Women’s health issues, gut issues, headaches, insomnia and anxiety.